Friday, November 6, 2009

Here's my version...


Catch! Calls the Once-ler!

It's a Truffula Seed!

It's the last one of all,

But it’s not all that you need!


Just planting the seed

won’t solve it all

So, go fight the greed

and bring back good deeds.


Hide it and treasure it

Till waters come clean,

Till the pitt gets well lit,

and the air turns pristine.


If we all work together

to make things better

I guarantee

that the world will decree

That thneeds are worth less

than all of what got

destroyed in that mess.


So turn to your leader

And show him the facts

Make him take action

make him change the acts.


President Oborax--

Create a new bill! Treat it will care.

We need clean water, we need fresh air.

Or the truffula seed and Bar-ba-loots bears

will quickly disappear into thin air.


Learn from my tale...

It’s a question of scale.

Greed in the big guys

will lead to despair.


So do not linger

If we all work together,

then the Lorax

and all of his friends

will come back...

And stay forever!

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