Friday, September 25, 2009

Cynicism and Idealism

Two hundred years from now Washington, DC landscape will be vastly altered if we continue on this path of ecological destruction. The number population of DC will be huge. The city will look more like New York City, with only skyscrapers visible. All the trees and parks will be terminated to accommodate more room for residential life. The DC population of deer, squirrels and birds are all gone. DC will have a large problem with cockroaches and rats. Most skyscrapers will freely allow rodents to inhabit there. The Potomac River will be toxic and very deadly. People will not be able to live by it without developing mysterious cancers. The metro will have expanded but also run poorly. It takes commuters two hours to get from McLean VA to Metro Center. Sea levels around DC will rise causing DC to be smaller. The bridges will get closed down often due to flooding. Mosquitoes will be a year round problem.

The Woodley Park National Zoo will no longer exist. Almost all species will be extinct except for a few zoos in areas like London, New York, Berlin and Hong Kong. The US Capitol will have been moved to Connecticut due to the security risk of living in poverty stricken and terrorist haven DC. There will be shells of old automobiles found all throughout the city. Cars will no longer be able to be used due to their CO2 emissions and the lack of gasoline available. Only the President and a few rich men use cars now. Everyone must ride on buses, walk, or bike. If a person is lucky they can grab the metro. But the metro will be so crime ridden and insanely packed that it will no longer be a valuable resource.

In an ideal world, DC will have more vegetation. There will have been an increase in the amount of trees seeded. For every building that is built, a contractor has to plant 500 trees around the DC area. There will be no cars in the city, except for government officials like the President, Senators, and Congressman. The metro will be an extremely effective system that gets anywhere in the city within fifteen minutes. Rounds every minute. Buses will also be used all throughout the city. Cars were banned in 2020.

Most people will live in houses still but have gardens to grow fruits, vegetables and herbs in their back yard. The houses will be severely altered with solar heat panels equipped on all the buildings. Water will have to be attained and purchased from a water plant. Each person will be allotted a certain amount of water. No person can take longer than 5-minute showers. The showers will be luke warm. Washing machines and dryers no longer exist. The Potomac will be one of the best places to go fishing, with strict laws on who and how much a person can fish. The UN oversees all bodies of water. The population will have severely decreased in 2050 with the UN Summit on Population Control.

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