Friday, October 23, 2009

I have had many encounters with nature, but there is one experience, which was most impressive to me. While visiting my grandparents in Switzerland two summers ago, I bought myself a two-day train pass to the entire country of Switzerland. On my last day I decided to go deep into the Alps to a village at the absolutely end of one of the train lines. The ride was absolutely spectacular, winding through valleys and along majestic cliffs. I finally arrived in the little village of Les Diablerets and began my adventure. I heard of a world-class ski resort with good trails up the road from the village, so I decided to go to it. I hoped on the postal delivery truck (only means of public transportation out there) and went further into the valley and a quarter way up a mountain. When I was dropped off on the side of the road, I saw that the sky lift for the resort was empty. It seemed like they were closed for the day.

The post truck going in the other direction was not coming for another five hours, so I was going to be stuck in a desolate parking lot in the middle of the Alps. Instead of waiting for the truck, I started to walk back down the road. About a mile up the road, I saw a trial go across the road, going down the mountain in the direction of the village. It was a more direct path than the more winding road. I started to go down this path and I began my adventure. This walk was the closest I have ever been to nature. I walked a long a stream, passing waterfalls, and hiking through the forest. Occasionally the path would turn into a vista and I got to experience the majesty of the high Alps across the valley from where I was standing. For the three hours I hiked down the mountain, I did not run into another human nor did I see a single manmade object. My cell phone did not work and I heard complete quiet for the only time in my life. This walk through the Alpine forest showed me nature for its glory and made me appreciate it more than I ever had before.

Nature is a necessary and wonderful part of life. Nature is important to the health and well being of people despite what it might seem. It is hard to understand fully why Nature is important to humans; it’s not until you experience it in person do you realize what nature means to us. Promoting good health and better sanity are all positives. This is notwithstanding the tangible benefits such as cleaner air.

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